It’s important for children to understand that helping others isn’t all about getting rewards. Although the bible is clear we will receive blessings when we serve others, it shouldn’t be the motivation behind our actions. Instead, we should help and serve others because we love God and want more people to believe in him. In this lesson, children will learn that obeying God means we will serve and help others.
SCRIPTURE: Galatians 5:13 – “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”
MAIN IDEA: We can all help and serve others in special ways!
Memory Verse Puzzle (20 minutes) *attachment*
MATERIAL(S): White board (or poster board), card stock paper, jigsaw puzzle handout (attachment), markers, scissors, plastic baggies
PREPARATION: Print the handout on card stock paper.
WHAT YOU WILL DO: Write the lesson’s verse, Galatians 5:13, on the white board and read it to the class. Explain that we should always use our “freedoms” in Christ (such as our abilities, intelligence, talents, and desires) to serve and help others and not just to get what we want. Then pass out the jigsaw puzzle papers and ask/help each child write the verse on the paper. The children may also decorate their papers if there is time. Then they will cut out their pieces and try to complete the puzzles as a way to memorize the verse. For fun, you may have the children switch puzzles with a partner and race to see who can finish their puzzle first!
“I Can Help” Devotion (15 minutes) *attachment*
MATERIALS: “I Can Help” handout (attachment), markers/crayons, pens/pencils
PREPARATION: Give each child a handout and disperse the writing utensils.
WHAT YOU WILL DO: Ask the children to color the outline to make it look like them. Then ask them to fill in the blanks by coming up with ways to help in different places (be sure to help the younger children write their answers). Remind the children that everyone can help at home, church, and school. Consider displaying the handouts in the hall as an encouragement to everyone who passes!
Movie & Snack Time! (20 minutes)
MATERIALS: child-friendly movie, TV with DVD player, pop corn, paper bowls, napkins
PREPARATION: Find a clip from a children’s movie that talks about helping one another (consider looking in the Veggie Tales series or another Christian-based series). Have the movie ready to play in the right spot. Also, make sure the pop corn is already popped to save movie time!
WHAT YOU WILL DO: Let the children watch the movie clip and have 3-5 questions ready for them to answer after the movie. Possible questions may include:
- Who was the helper?
- What did he/she do?
- How did his/her actions affect others?
- What do obeying God and helping others have in common?
- How can we help others in similar ways?
Prayer Time (5 minutes)
Take prayer requests and ask for volunteers to pray. Close the prayer by asking the Lord to help us as we serve others.
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