Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Benefits of Rebooting Your Children’s Ministry

The Benefits of Rebooting Your Children's Ministry

Don’t you love the phrase “do over?” I do! Especially when it concerns children’s ministry because I’m a bit of perfectionist and I always fall short. A few times in my life I’ve had the pleasure of heading up a reboot for children’s church. On one occasion, we had an abrupt change in pastoral leadership; another time we’d allowed our vision to become too large and unwieldy. (Totally my fault.) During those junctures of change we’ve had the chance to do things over. Make some real changes. And I’m so glad we did.

Keep in mind I’m talking about more than a remodel project. More than slapping a new name on an old ministry. I mean a bonafide reboot. Why am I such a fan of starting over and what can it do for you?

  1. Rebooting your children’s ministry puts a period at the end of sentence. It’s the official start of something better. That’s what I believe anyway. I like having that hashmark on the time line of life.
  2. Rebooting narrows your focus. I’m such an “I” personality. I’m always down for something shiny and new but too many times I take on too much or agree to do too much. In the end, my ministry inevitably has too many legs. A reboot is kind of like going back to the drawing board. I love it!
  3. Reboot could re-ignite volunteers. It could. But it can also winnow them out. Be prepared for this part of the reboot. In the end though, you’ll be glad for the shake up.
  4. Rebooting a ministry can attract new faces both in attendance and in volunteers. People enjoy being a part of something fresh and new.
  5. A reboot, a real reboot begins and ends with prayer and fasting. That’s bound to make you better than you were. For your do over, expect a new and improved you.

To my mind, a reboot requires a brief closing. Parents and children won’t croak if you don’t provide services for a few weeks. Schedule a big unveiling and do something to mark the change. Like throw a party or issue a new challenge.

You can do it!

Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.


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