This lesson comes from Psalm 139:13-14 and it is designed to teach children that they are wonderfully made. This lesson will be best utilized in a Sunday School or a Kid’s Church setting.
Objective: To teach children that God made them on purpose to be who they are and to give them an understanding that they are wonderfully made.
Targeted Age Group: Upper Elementary
Activity: Partner the children up and give them each paper and a pencil. Tell the kids that they have ten minutes to draw their partner. Each child gets to keep the picture of themselves (that their partner drew).
Memory Verse: At this time ask the kids to recite the verse from the previous week. Ask them to take this verse home to memorize for next week: Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Worship: If you do not have a copy of these songs then you can find them on YouTube
- Royalty (Hillsong Kids)
- Not Forgotten (Hillsong Kids)
- Let the Children Come (Hillsong Kids)
Prayer: Dear LORD, thank you that we are not too small to know you as our God. You have created us; teach us about your love today. We pray that we can deepen our knowledge of who you are. We love you, Amen.
Lesson Reinforcements: Have five signs that say:
- Sign One: “You are Beautiful”
- Sign Two: “You are Wonderfully Made”
- Sign Three: “You are created by God”
- Sign Four: “You are Known by God”
- Sign Five: “You were created to be YOU!”
As you talked about each of these signs have a child come up and stand beside you to hold the sign for you.
Lesson: Who created you? (give them time to answer). Who gave you your hair color, your height, and your personality? (give them time to answer). Are you beautiful? (give them time to answer). You are beautiful! You are beautiful because God created you, he chose your hair color, your height, your personality, and everything about you!
The Bible says:
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. (Psalm 139: 13-14, ESV)
You are wonderfully made; do you know what that means? (give them time to answer). Wonderful means extremely good or delightful. Do you feel delightful? (give them time to answer). God delights in you because He loves you and He created you wonderfully! You, each one of you is created by God! You were not an accident, He designed you to be you and He knows you. Did you know that God knows you? (give them time to answer). He knows exactly who you are because He created you to be YOU! He loves you!
- What does it mean to be wonderful? (Answer: To be delightful)
- Does God know you? (Answer: Yes)
- How does it feel to know that God created you?
Application: God created you to be you, so you do not need to be afraid or scared of God. He loves you exactly the way you are. You can talk to Him anytime you want, wherever you want. God loves you!
Craft: Give each child a mirror and sharpies, get them to write encouraging messages and Bible verses all over the mirror so whenever they look into it they remember who they are.
Suggested Snack: Cupcakes with their names on it and juice.
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